Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What Might School 2.0 Look Like???

Ahh, wouldn't it be great to have a system depicted in School 2.0? I absolutely loved the concept and can see so many possibilities in implementing a system such as this. When I first starting exploring the map and reading all the different components to this far-reaching idea, I was struck by the thought that it would be too complicated, too costly, too labor intensive and too BIG to execute, especially say for a community like the City of Rochester. But then I thought that no, this is the future that I am witnessing and unless we step up to the plate, we'll be lost in the dust. Can this be accomplished? You bet. According to the School 2.0 website, "These new interoperable data systems and platforms allow educators to align curriculum, instruction and on-line resources with learning standards and assessments for each grade and subject area." It is able to integrate all aspects of learning. I can forsee the student who is home ill being able to participate in his classes via her computer and real-time feed. No more missed assignments, no having to play catch-up. How wonderful! The adaptablility this kind of program affords to students with special needs, learning disabilities is awesome. With the ability of this type of technology availble to educators at the touch of a finger, School 2.0 states that "Teachers who use periodic and formative assessments embedded in electronic instructional aids find that this information allows instruction to be continuously re-targeted towards the needs of each student. This wealth of information also provides opportunities to continuously evaluate the performance of programs and systems intended to improve students' success rates and to modify or change their use as the data dictate." Isn't that what education is supposed to be? To continue to change, adapt, expand, develop and challenge the minds of our young so that they are life-long learners!


Laurie O'Reilly said...

I totally agree with you Molly! The potential is enormous. I think we need to be given time to brainstorm this model, what elements we have or almost have and what teachers can do at their various levels to implement more of the school 2.0 vision. We then need to reflect at a later date as to what was implemented, how it worked,and where we go from there. To me its kinda like "build a field, they will come". If we can educate the administrators, the board, and the community as to the importance of using technology effectively (district already knows) and show the evidence of the effectiveness of technology we are using, more funding for technology could be budgeted and passed by the public. this I think would be especially true if they themselves were using it!

jcain6 said...

Molly I love how excited you are about School 2.0 because I think it is really cool too! Education needs to change and I think this idea is the kick in the butt it needs. Getting the community and everyone involved is a great idea, why didn't someone do it sooner? Hmmm... I just hope we actually get to see this evolve into reality, or at least begin to evolve.

Miss Blackwood said...

I'm sure it's possible to develop School 2.0 school by school or district by district. Yes it will cost money. But think about it. Instead of text books we'll have technology. We wouldn't need to spend tons of money on textbooks every time it's outdated. We'll be kept up-to-date through technology.
The components of School 2.0 will be a starting place for us. Helping us as a school community to connect our students to the future.

Kevin Markman said...

The opportunity and excitement to see a future using technology as a community builder is great. Education of us and helping our students think in this way seems to be our responsibility. I think it will take our students and at least their generation and may be the next to get to a point where the map starts to look realistic.