Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Reflections #2

How much fun I had creating my del.icio.us account and looking at my other classmates accounts to see what they found interesting enough to tag. It is so quick and easy to operate; a virtual one stop shopping place for me. I put so many different types of tags on my page from health and fitness, history, cooking/recipes, and travel that I had to stop before I had too many. I can pop in and out, add and delete things, research topics that I find interesting, the possibilites are just endless. I have just enrolled in two college courses at Roberts Wesleyan and I can already see the endless opportunites that this will afford me. I can do tons of research for a particular topic and have it all in one spot!! I am also enrolled in a co-operative teaching workshop and found many interesting web sites that my classmates had tagged which I also added to my page. I just wish I had known about this earlier!

1 comment:

LadySaint said...

I liked the delicious site, too, but I was SOOOOOOO overwhelmed when I transferred all of my favorites automatically. It may take me years to weed out the junk and make this work.

I didn't think of the research possibilities -- that's a great idea. Why reinvent the wheel when others have been there and done it already? If I ever go back to school, I'll keep this in mind!