Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Time For Reflection 3

Now that I have had a chance to experience Wikis, podcasts,, School 2.0 and Bookmarking, I realized how technologically challenged I really was. It is true that our students have more knowledge, and technological saviness than we care to admit. I really need to catch up.

I see so much potential in using the tools that I have learned in assisting students throughout all disciplines. I find myself "surfing the Web" for more and more sites that I can add to my blog which I find useful and others might too. As a Teaching Assistant, I need to keep up and be able to point the way to students to access important information relative to their course work. Teachers could actually adapt lessons to reflect the diversity of student learning in their classrooms making it truly differentiated learning. There is just so much information out there that students can utilize that it is mind boggling. By being able to furnish this knowledge to others, whether it be students, teachers, colleagues, and friends, can only improve the quality of work that we all do.

I hope that I will be able to instill in others my excitement about my "new-found technology." Being able to communicate with others in far away places, attaining new friends, sharing their ideas and visions can only enhance the educational experience.


Harriet said...

I have come to the conclusion that the students are so far ahead of most of us technologically that it is scary. What we are calling the "new-found technology" has actually been out there in cyber space for quite awhile and we, as educators, are just starting to get the residuals of this bright new way of communicating and learning. I agree with you that this is exciting and hope that we can do our best to spread this information to all who would listen. You are right Molly when you say that this is "mind boggling" and the concept that this new way of teaching and learning is quite an eye-opener.

Sarah Sherwood said...

I agree with you about how behind I was with technology. I don't think of myself as that old, but it is amazing how quickly technology advances. Now that I am out of college, I don't get as much exposure to the trends. This class was so helpful!

Kevin Markman said...

I agree that the true educators on this are our students as well as the adults that we are learning from that seem to be a step ahead of the students in how to apply the technology to education. I am just hoping to be following behind and catching up now. This class has been very useful in doing so.

Julie said...

Molly I believe your new found enthusiasm will spill over to the people you work with. That's the value of a course like this. We can change the reality of a classroom one person, one idea at a time. If no one take the first step, then we all stand still.