Thursday, November 8, 2007

Feelings about Blogging

Now that I have completed the first 3 assignments for this class, I find that I'm not as techno-savvy as I had once thought and that I am both a visual and kinesthetic learner. I now know how disabled students feel when they can't seem to grasp concepts or ideas. What a beneficial tool blogging would be for those of us who find conventional learning difficult. Lessons could be designed to include all types of learners and since the "younger" generation is much more adept at this technology stuff, they would eat it up!!! I often hear students complaining how boring and mundane their classrooms are. Blogging, introduced into the class curriculum, would definitely liven things up, make things more interesting.


cholden said...

I understand what you mean about feeling like a struggling learner. As we get older we forget what it feels like to learn something totally new for the first time. I was a little frustrated at first because blogging was a totally new concept for me. I had no idea what I was doing. I guess this experience has made me feel more sympathetic to my students who are learning things for the first time and might feel kind of "lost".

Unknown said...

I think it's really valuable for teachers to put themselves into the learner position from time to time. Not only does it make us humble, but I think it also helps us to understand our students better.